CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR MCCAULEY: Edwards forced me out as city attorney after 32 years.

BUCKHANNON — In an interview with the San Antonio Express-News, former city attorney and candidate for Mayor David McCauley, revealed more troubling allegations about Mayor Rick Edwards.

As city attorney, McCauley investigated Edwards and was given the task of determining if Edwards was eligible to hold office. Though McCauley was unsatisfied with the legality of the issue, he determined that Edwards was eligible to serve as a result of vague restrictions in the city charter.

“I am indignant,” McCauley expressed to the reporter.

He went on to say that he felt Edwards was aware of the charges against him, and deliberately ran from the law.

“If you look at all of the documents, I mean, he signed various places that he understood the charge,” McCauley explained. “Basically, because he was there with three little kids at the time, they did not take him into custody.”

He further stated that after the investigation, Edwards forced him out as attorney after 32 years of service to the City of Buckhannon.

McCauley has filed as a candidate for Mayor in the May 10th election.

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