John Fetterman shows up to Senate chamber wearing shorts!?

WASHINGTON — On Wednesday, Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman was seen wearing only a button-up shirt and a pair of shorts while walking into the Senate Chamber. As Democratic Majority Leader, Sen. Chuck Schumer has announced that suits & ties will no longer be required for members of the US Senate.

Many members of the Senate GOP have publicly criticized Sen. Schumer, such as Republican Sen. Rick Scott stating, “This has got to change back, we gotta have decorum and we have to dress the way the American public would expect their US Senators to dress.”

However, it isn’t just members of the Senate that are outraged by this change. Even some members of the House of Representatives have spoken out, as Republican House Speaker, Rep. Kevin McCarthy told the press. “We are going to change all of the Senate rules simply so someone can wear gym clothes onto the floor? I mean that’s just embarrassing.”

For decades now members of both the US Senate and House of Representatives have been expected to wear formal business suits, but now we can just show up wearing cargo shorts and a hoodie!? What does that say about our government? While I don’t agree with the dress code being relaxed, IS THIS REALLY the most important thing our government should be focussing on?

How about the border crisis with a total of 4,767,294 illegal immigrants, that have crossed over the border in the last 2 years of the Biden Administration? Or the lack of public education due to said immigrants living inside those public schools? What about the not millions, but BILLIONS of dollars the United States has given to Ukraine, while its own country collapses? Or perhaps helping with the growing drug and homeless problem?

No, Instead the only thing our government cares about is if you wear a suit. In a tweet on the official John Fetterman account on X (formerly Twitter.) Sen. Fetterman said and I quote, “If those jagoffs in the House stop trying to shut our government down, and fully support Ukraine, then I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week.”

Not only does he call our government officials “jagoffs” but is trying to get us to fully support Ukraine!? How are we supposed to do that you may ask? Well, by sending them more money of course, after all, what’s a few more Billions of debt, as if $33 trillion isn’t already way too much.

If this is the way the Biden Administration and our US government are going to run the country, then we are doomed both as a country and a society!