Kerner releases response video, supporting legal abortions and opposing pro-life amendment.

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BUCKHANNON, WV — Matt Kerner, the Democratic Candidate for WV House of Delegates, released a response video explaining his support of abortion availability.

His response was directed at exposed documents, revealing that his campaign received financial contributions from Planned Parenthood South Atlantic Votes, in addition to receiving their endorsement.

In the video, Kerner explains why he supports legal abortions, in addition to expressing his opposition to Pro-Life Amendment 1.

Robbie Martin (R) Endorsed by WV for Life

If passed by voters this November, Amendment 1 will end all government funding of abortions. It will also prohibit abortion in the Mountain State, saving approximately 1,500 unborn West Virginians per year.

“This whole thing came up because of this Amendment 1 issue,” Kerner expressed. “‘Legislating this isn’t going to be helpful.”

Later, Kerner expressed that he is firmly pro-choice.

“This whole video was meant to be about abortion,” he stated. “Nobody is for it, but there are people who are pro-choice.”

Matt Kerner is running against Robbie Martin (R), who is the Republican nominee and candidate endorsed by West Virginian’s for Life.

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