Del. Martin donates remaining campaign funds to buy seniors lunch at the senior center and ‘Meals on Wheels’ program.

WESTON — On Monday, Delegate Patrick Martin (R-46) donated the remaining amount of his campaign funds to buy lunch for the senior citizens at the Lewis County Senior Center.

In a statement to Mountaineer Journal, Martin expressed his motivation to purchase meals for the seniors.

“I attend the senior center often. I enjoy going there playing games, eating, and telling stories. We always have a good laugh and a good time,” Martin expressed. “I had some leftover campaign money and I thought, ‘What better way of spending then buying the seniors meals?’ Not only at the center, but the meals on wheels program. It’s sometimes the only warm meal they receive. Being on the senior citizen committee it’s a great way to find out the challenges seniors face on a day to day basis.”

Martin is serving his second term as a delegate for Lewis County district 46.

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