Councilwoman Simons acknowledges Mayor Edwards isn’t allowing citizens to speak at meetings

BUCKHANNON — Mayoral candidate Michael Cowger stated on Friday that he planned on confronting the Mayor and council concerning the recent gasgate scandal.

Michael Cowger
Michael Cowger

“On Monday, March 28th at 6 pm, City Council will hold a SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING at City Hall to discuss personnel matters,” Cowger said. “I’ll be there by 5:30 pm to ask how the ACTING Mayor can approve his own questionable travel expenses without any oversight.”

“Perhaps our Acting Mayor, who is simply a place holder until we all have a chance to vote on May 10th based on the facts, not accusations, can explain and provide any needed corrections to the credit card charges to fuel his personal vehicle?” Cowger questioned, citing the Mountaineer Journal’s recent article.

Councilwoman Robyn Riggs Simons stated, “There probably will not be a sign up sheet to place anyone’s name for comments from the audience. However, as everyone knows the regular meetings which are held on the first and third Thursday’s of the month are open to all comments from anyone, just remember to sign in as you enter the door please.”

“Thanks Robyn and by the way, I signed in along with others at the last City Council meeting and no one was called upon to speak from that list,” Cowger responded. “When Council meets and goes into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters, they must come out of Executive Session in order to bring the meeting to a close.”

“I know that,” Councilwoman Simons acknowledged. “No secret there Michael. As to why you weren’t called upon, I have no answer for that as I don’t run the meetings. Someone else needs to recognize signed in speakers.”

“My father, the late Delegate Dale Riggs, instilled in me his integrity, his belief in total honesty, and need for complete transparency in everything done,” Simons said. “I take great pride in that. I expect exactly that and don’t plan to settle for anything less.”

Simons is presently running for re-election for the two-year city council seat.

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