Trump Was Right to Ask About Corruption in Ukraine

What most observers, especially those in the Talking Snake Media, are overlooking in this whole impeachment farce is that Ukraine was riddled with endemic corruption and had been for decades.

Thus when Trump asked President Zelensky to look into corruption in Ukraine on the July 25 phone call, he wasn’t looking to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. He was just doing his job.

This is particularly true with regard to military aid. The president was sitting on $391 million in military aid to Ukraine, to enable them to purchase javelin missiles to better protect themselves against Russia. It’s worthy of note that President Obama had refused to help them with their missile defense; Trump gave them the missiles that Obama wouldn’t. It doesn’t take a trained eye to see that if anybody was Putin’s stooge and puppet it was Obama, not Trump.

Ukraine had a particular problem with embezzlement in its military apparatus. Trump quite rightly did not want to turn $391 million over to Ukraine without some assurance that the money wasn’t going to get siphoned off and wind up in the wallet of an oligarch.

The AP reported in May of this year that Ukraine’s Constitutional Court in February had struck down a law against government officials enriching themselves, which naturally raises serious questions about whether Ukraine has any serious intention to deal with corruption whatsoever.

In fact, corruption in Ukraine is so bad Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau had 65 open criminal investigations, which all had to be shuttered because the court said it’s fine for Ukrainian politicians to rip off anybody they can. Ukrainian media also reported on an investigation into “embezzlement schemes in the country’s military industry.” The report indicated that members of then-President Poroshenko’s inner circle were implicated in the embezzlement.

This led then-U.S. ambassador Marie Yovanovitch to issue “scathing criticism” directed at the Ukrainian government. The ambassador urged Ukrainian authorities to fire a senior anti-corruption official – who had been caught on tape coaching suspects on how to beat the charges against them – and “tackle the country’s corruption problem.”

Yovanovich – subsequently fired by Trump because she couldn’t get along with anybody in Ukraine (some diplomat, eh?) – actually called for a “complete audit of a state-owned procurement company.” Corruption, says the AP, “is still rampant in Ukraine.”

And speaking of dirt on Trump’s opponents, The Blaze obtained an audio recording that shows that Artem Sytnyk, the head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau during the American presidential 2016 election season, admitted he used his position to boost Hillary Clinton’s campaign by sabotaging Trump’s.

Sytnyk eventually “was tried and convicted in Ukraine for interfering in the U.S. presidential election in 2016,” which is proof that Ukraine, contrary to regressives and the Talking Snake Media did, in fact, meddle in that election. Syntyk released a “black ledger” on Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort during the 2016 presidential election that eventually led to Manafort being cashiered by Trump in the middle of the campaign.

A veteran Democratic operative by the name of Alexandra Chalupa (who also figures in whistlebloviator Eric Ciaramella’s tawdry saga) worked directly with the Ukrainian embassy in D.C. to dig up dirt on Manafort.

So why did Ukraine meddle in the 2016 election by actively assisting Hillary Clinton? Here is Syntyk’s explanation: “While Hillary, she is – how shall I put it? She belongs to the cohort of politicians who comprise the hegemony in the U.S. Both in the U.S. and the entire world, right? For us, it’s … sort of … better. For Americans … what Trump is doing is better for them.” Short version: “We’re helping Hillary because she’s better for globalists. We want to hurt Trump because he is better for America.”

Here’s Glenn Beck: “So here he is. He is admitting to tampering with our elections. Admitted working with the Hillary Clinton campaign. He is actually convicted in the highest court in the land in Ukraine. This is all front-page news in Ukraine, while we are saying, ‘Was there anyone tampering with the election?’”

Bottom line: Trump’s hands-on Ukraine are clean. But Adam Schiff’s hands are not. He’s seeking to complete the destruction of Donald Trump that Hillary started. For the sake of everybody, including America, he must be stopped.

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