BUCKHANNON, WV — On May 2nd, Elissa Marie Linger-Mills, 60, was arrested for violating the condition of her bail and obstruction at a local nail salon. Mills was then detained at Tygart Valley Regional Jail. This bail violation followed a harassment charge, in which Mills was arraigned on September 17, 2020.
On July 14, 2020, Officer Angel McCauley responded to a call for service on West Main Street. According to the criminal complaint, the victim Jenny Samples alleged that the defendant had threatened to pull her out of her vehicle. She also had video of Mills driving behind her, passing by and calling her a “slut;” then, going down the street, parking, and staring at her. According to the defendant, Mills stated that she did not threaten Samples, but admitted to calling her a “slut” and claimed that she parked down the street in order to call the police, but Officer McCauley showed up before she was able to.
On August 6, 2020, Sgt. William Courtney responded to Chancery Street in reference to a call for service. During this call, Samples alleges that the defendant drove by yelling at the victim. The defendant denied that this happened and provided a witness that states the same.
On August 8, 2020, Sgt. Darin Hissam responded to a call for service on East Main Street. During this incident, Samples and her boyfriend Terry Mills were walking to their vehicle when the defendant drove by recording them. Terry Mills is the defendant’s ex-husband. She then drove back by and yelled out the window at Terry stating that she was taking him back to court and going to sue the victim, Jenny Samples. As Sgt. Hissam was talking to Samples, Elissa Mills drove by once again but did not say anything. This was purportedly witnessed by the investigating officer.
Additionally, there were various posts on Facebook where altered images were shared by Mills.
A warrant for Mills’ arrest was issued on September 4, 2020, and she was arraigned on September 17, 2020. Former Magistrate Mike Coffman set bail at $1,500 personal recognizance.
In the criminal bail agreement, Mills was ordered not to have any direct or indirect verbal or physical contact with the victim, to which she agreed. She was also permitted to leave the state without written approval by the Court.
On May 2, 2021, Officer Angel McCauley responded to Nice Nails Spa in reference to a bail/bond violation. According to the criminal complaint, upon her arrival, she was met by Jenny Samples. Samples stated Elissa Mills came into the salon after her and muttered “slut” under her breath. When Officer McCauley asked to speak to Mills, she willfully accompanied her outside. However, when Officer McCauley informed Mills that she was going to have to leave, she responded, “You’re going to have to arrest me, because I’m not leaving.” She then went back inside. As Officer McCauley returned inside and advised Mills that she was under arrest, Elissa Mills stated that she was not under arrest and was not leaving.

Tina, the store owner, pulled Officer McCauley aside and told her that Mills had an appointment.
“I informed Tina it did not matter,” McCauley stated, according to the criminal complaint.
Elissa Mills then walked back out and the woman accompanying her stated Mills was willing to go now. When Officer McCauley informed Mills that she was going to cuff her, as per policy and procedure, she jerked away from Officer McCauley and told her she ‘knew where the police department was and would drive herself.’
Officer McCauley then proceeded to cuff her without incident and took her to the Buckhannon Police Department for processing.

Mills was charged with obstruction for resisting arrest and violating the terms of her bail. She is also no longer allowed to leave the state without permission from the Court. Mills must also submit to random drug and alcohol testing. A positive test could result in the revocation of bond. Failure to drug screen will result in a positive test.
Magistrate Alan Suder set bond at $500 personal recognizance.
On the Tygart Valley Regional Jail website, Mills’ sex was listed as “male,” which was also found on the Court Deposition Reporting Form; however, this appears to be a clerical error.