Chronicles of Muscular Christianity: Lone Ranger Christians

“Lone Ranger Christians?”

By Pastor Ron Buxton

As described by the Bible, the Church is not an organization. Rather, it is a supernatural organism. Tragically, when that gets confused, the Church becomes irrelevant to humanity. And, frankly, that’s exactly what has created some of the “lone ranger Christianity” that I’ve written about lately.

Today, my comments will offend some friends in the ministry, but that doesn’t matter. Truth sets people free, and what I’m sharing truly liberates on the largest of scales. You see, if we took seriously the idea that the Church is a living organism (and not some kind of civic organization), then we’d treat it much differently regarding its diet and exercise. And that’s exactly where it has become irrelevant.

One of the most recent evil ideas to enter the Church came with very little resistance. I’m referring to the Church operating from marketing strategies, and with a consumer mind-set. And so, with little notice, many churches became run as a business. Consecration was replaced with consumerism. The messy organism was replaced by the stream-lined organization. And “nickels and noses” now measured their successes–with church-growth as their main idol. Sadly, a shallowness and a spiritual irrelevance then appeared to the unbelievers and the “lone rangers” standing outside of their buildings.

In eight different passages of the Bible we read about the “sin of Balaam”. The original historical account is found in the Book of Numbers, but the figurative application of what occurred continues to this day. And that’s why it’s mentioned in seven other Bible passages. Here’s the gist. God will not directly curse His own people. The prophet Balaam told the evil king Balak that repeatedly. However, if God’s people could be tempted into sin on a national level, then they were completely vulnerable to their enemies. And so, that’s exactly what occurred. Now, allow me to connect this to my thoughts today.

Satan has infiltrated many churches with the idolatry of worldly success. He’s helped replace the organism with an organization. And, in so doing, he’s made many local churches worldly and irrelevant. After all, we’re supposed to be a hospital for sinners, and not a social club for saints.

Let’s be honest here. The humble servant example of Jesus Christ (and the 1st century church) has many times been replaced with celebrity pastors and rock concert-like worship services. Meanwhile, the necessary face-to-face fellowship and accountability has been lost in the process. But nobody says anything. Why? We’re filling buildings. We’re seeing increases in the nickels and noses!

Nonetheless, please don’t misunderstand me. Obviously, not all larger churches fall into that trap. But so many do. So, what do I suggest? Remember those “lone ranger Christians” outside of our churches. It’s possible they’ve read the Bible, and see the irrelevancy. In fact, I’ve met quite a few over the years that motivated these words today. The Church must be a supernatural organism! Anything less will eventually lead to idolatry. And God’s Word warned us seven times!

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