Pray the Scriptures, Exodus 32 – 10/22/22

Passage: Exodus 32

Verse: “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said, ‘Who is on the Lord’s side? Come to me.’”


Sovereign Lord,

I pray in Jesus’ name that you will protect ______________________ and me from idolatry of every kind, especially the worship of Mammon, that your anger may not have to burn against us. Grant us a persevering faith in you, and a willingness to follow you with patience and without complaint.

Protect us from being impatient with your delays, and from turning away from what you have commanded us. I pray that we will not be stiff-necked towards you but instead be humble and obedient.

We intercede this day for those we love who have turned away from you and who sit under your judgment. We seek your favor for them that you may relent and bring salvation instead of disaster on them. We claim your promises in our prayers, as Moses did, and we believe that your power is great and your hand is mighty to save.

We freely confess that we as a nation have been a stiff-necked people, and we know that we deserve to be consumed by your wrath because of our idolatry and because we have sinned great sins against you. We humble ourselves before and ask you to turn from your burning anger and relent from your judgment and forgive us for our sins against you. Please show us what our part is in turning this nation back to you.

May we always have high regard for the Scripture, and regard it as your work. May its words be to us the very writing of God, and may its words be engraved on the tablet of our hearts. I pray that we will be willing to stand for you and rally to whoever is for you. May we be willing to stand even against our own sons and brothers to defend your truth.

I pray that you will never have cause to blot our name out of the book you have written. May your angel go before us to lead us to the place you have prepared for us. Amen.


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