Women’s Sports and Feminism, The Conflict and the Irony

Image © J. Scott Applewhite | Associated Press

Many women competing in “women’s” sports today have found themselves facing a new type of opponent, transgendered biologically-born men.

This is an increasing trend that has picked up momentum since 2003 when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) allowed transgender athletes to compete in women’s sports. The increase in transgender participation in women’s sports is a result of the increased activism of transgender individuals as well as LGBTQ activists.

The average male is almost twice as strong as the average female, has greater upper body and lower body strength, and is faster. Transgenders in sports are a one-way street. Transgendered biological men are competing in women’s sports, but transgendered biological females are not competing in men’s sports.

Why then are women athletes playing along with the charade and competing with transgendered biological men in sports, rather than forfeiting? Simply said, they are too dumb not to. Sorry ladies, but there is no nice way to say it. Women in America and the Western nations have been fully indoctrinated with the belief that they can do anything a man can do.

This is constantly drummed into their psyche through the culture, Hollywood entertainment, the public education system, and feminist propaganda in general. In Hollywood entertainment shows, 100 lb. women often fight and defeat 300 lb. muscular men, and sometimes they (without superpowers) can do 20-foot backflip leaps in the air and can single-handedly defeat an army of armed soldiers. Women are confused by all of the “women can do anything a man can do” brainwashing, thus they compete with transgendered biological men in sports and do not forfeit, going against all common sense and their better judgment that should tell them not to compete.

Let’s do a hypothetical comparison scenario to men’s sports. Let’s say ape ownership became more prevalent, as in the movie Planet of the Apes, and animal rights activists successfully petitioned for gorillas to compete against men in college wrestling.

The average gorilla is ten times stronger than athletic male wrestlers, but that did not matter to the animal rights activists and the NCAA Division Wrestling Committee, as they decided to allow gorillas to wrestle in their men’s wrestling tournaments. I don’t speak for all men, but I would say it is safe to say that all college male wrestlers would forfeit their matches rather than compete against gorillas that are ten times their strength.

Yet women keep competing against transgendered biological men who are typically twice their strength. Transgendered men in women’s sports are proving the point that men and women are not equals and top athletic women most often cannot defeat inferior transgendered biological men.

Where is the outrage among the feminists? Why are women not banding together to put an end to the absurdity and unfairness of transgendered biological men competing in women’s sports? Why won’t the U.S. courts take action to stop this madness and discrimination?

For anyone wondering why feminist activists remain silent about transgendered biological males competing in women’s sports while not protecting the rights of female athletes to engage in fair competition, it is because feminists have a conflict of interest.

It is a greater priority for man-hating feminists to see men demasculinized through transgenderism than it is for them to protect the rights of female athletes to compete in women’s sports on a fair playing field.

I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

The idea that women and men are equals, not just physically but equals in spiritual authority is unbiblical.

“Feminism is a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” — Televangelist Pat Robertson, 1992

All of the 56 signers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence were men. The Founding Fathers are often labeled racists, as some of them owned slaves. Based on that logic, the Founding Fathers must have been patriarchal misogynists as well, as they did not permit women to vote. Women did not receive the right to vote in American elections until 1920.

Tennis great Novak Djokovic forfeited many tennis matches between 2020 and 2023, as he refused to comply with various government COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Women should follow Djokovic’s example and refuse to comply with competing against transgendered biological men in women’s sports.

Women who compete in women’s sports are not going to get any activist help from man-hating feminists who delight in seeing men de-masculinized through transgenderism, even if it is at the expense of fair competition in women’s sports.

The only thing for women to do, who are faced with competing with transgender biological males in women’s sports, is to forfeit, declaring the Constitutional right of freedom of assembly, to associate and compete exclusively with fellow biological females in women’s sports.

Maybe then society will get the message.