Karnes steps back from committee assignments. Focuses on moving his business interests to WV.

CHARLESTON — Sen. Robert Karnes (R-11) has stepped back from his committee assignments to focus on moving his business interests in West Virginia. Inaccurate rumors have been circulating, falsely accusing Karnes of being removed by senate leadership for alleged ‘refusal to wear a mask;’ however, documents obtained by Mountaineer Journal confirm that this was not the case.

Karnes (R-11) quashed rumors that he had been removed from committee assignments, calling the false accusations “conspiracy theories” fueled by “partisan politics.”

“These rumors get started in a very partisan way,” Karnes told Mountaineer Journal. “I think most people know that I own several businesses outside the state of West Virginia. More than a year ago, before I even decided to run for re-election to the state senate, my wife and I decided it was time to divest some of these outside interests and bring some of that money back home to invest in West Virginia. I’ve had a few businesses in WV starting as far back as 1998 and intend to focus most of my investments in West Virginia going forward. Why West Virginia? It’s where I live, it is where my wife and I have raised our children, where I grew up myself. I want to see my money grow and see my state grow.

Unfortunately, you don’t always have control of the timing of a deal like this. One of the businesses that I’ve been involved in selling has reached a point where we will be closing the deal within the next month or so. It requires a lot of my time, and it managed to hit right in the middle of the session.

Rather than allow this process to be disruptive to the committees I have been assigned to and knowing that I may need to travel in and out of state quite often during this period of time, I requested that the senate president remove me from my committee assignments so that another member could be assigned to those seats. This will enable them to do the committee’s business properly. We may conclude the transaction before the end of the session. If so I will let the president know I am available for any committee assignments he thinks prudent.

The conspiracy theories floating around on this are just partisan politics. The left is always floating wild-eyed theories with the help of the fake news media.”

Karnes also reflected on the Republicans’ success during the current legislative session.

“We’re having a very productive year in Charleston. The democrat party has shown itself to be completely ineffective in the past and they’re not even trying to be effective even now. All they can do is stir up fake controversies. Voters have rejected their hyper-partisan attacks so resoundingly they have no power left. The Republican majority, on the other hand, is making a difference in the economy, education, and healthcare. I’m glad to be a part of it, and look forward to being a part of it as we finish out this session.”

Karnes stated that his business endeavors have frequently placed him on the road, often having to leave the state. However, following this transaction, he will be able to spend more of his time in West Virginia.

“I’m really looking forward to spending more of my off time in West Virginia as we conclude this transaction. Throughout the year, I travel regularly, often more than 150 days each year. I hope soon I can spend all of my time both during the session and out of the session at home in West Virginia. I’m looking forward to more free time with family and friends.”

Sen. Robert Karnes was re-elected to the legislature in 2020, after defeating his Democratic challenger Denise Campbell.