CHARLESTON — Mark Hunt, the frontrunner in the Republican Primary for state senate in District 8, expressed his opposition to decriminalizing abortion in West Virginia, calling the practice “murder.” Efforts are currently underway by pro-abortion activists, to remove §61-2-8 from the West Virginia State Code, which makes the practice of abortion a felony (upon Roe v. Wade being overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court).
In an exclusive interview with The Journal, Hunt stated that life should be protected “at conception, of course.”
“My opinion on abortion is it’s a terrible choice. It’s really not a choice,” Hunt continued. “Life does begin at conception and it’s murder to kill an unborn baby. It’s as simple as that. Abortion should never be used as any method of birth control.”
“I think as I’ve gotten older and I’m starting to realize how important, valuable, and sacred life is and moving toward… I won’t say toward the end of life, but I’m 60 years old. I’m starting to understand life a little more. There’s been an evolution in my voting patterns.”

While serving in the legislature as a democrat, Hunt made some votes against some pro-life legislation. Hunt expressed, “I regret that.”
“When I was much younger, I was a little bit less pro-life, and I maybe had made some votes that were not quite as I would have now. And I regret that, but frankly, now, my only vote and my only choice is going to be pro-life.”
When asked if his faith also played a role in his evolution on abortion, Hunt responded:
“I am a Christian. I am a member of the Springhill Baptist Church. Obviously, my church, is very adamant that life beings at conception and abortion is immoral and unGodly.
As a Christian, I believe what the Bible says, and I believe my pastor.”
Hunt is expected to be the Republican nominee for state senate in District 8.