
The Plot to Kill Trump Goes to the Top

Image © Evan Vucci | Associated Press

John Roberts of Fox News appears to be getting sick and tired of Secret Service stonewalling on the matter of its multiple “security failures” in the attempted assassination of President Trump. On Wednesday, he noted that the federal agency has not held a public briefing on what happened and he said the response is “approaching the level of scandal.” Really? Wow.

It apparently comes as a shock to people that the federal government can try to kill somebody, in this case former President Trump, and then cover it up.

It’s impossible for some people to believe the corruption runs that deep. Many don’t want to believe the federal government carries out assassinations, certainly not of a political opponent. That’s supposed to happen in places like Russia.

An old friend of mine, Fred Gielow, who I met while working with Reed Irvine at Accuracy in Media, has been around a long time. He runs a very interesting website called You Don’t Say on what you can’t discuss in America today.

Here are his thoughts:

“One thing I haven’t seen discussed but deserves discussion is what the sharpshooters were doing.  As I understand it, there were three or four of them on the roofs of buildings behind and on both sides of where Trump spoke.  Their job was to look for any disturbing developments in the crowd and take action when necessary.  You can’t convince me they didn’t see the shooter climb on the roof and prepare to shoot Trump.  There were three or four sharpshooters with nothing to do but look for trouble!  And they didn’t see the shooter?

“Also, from reports, I understand they took out the shooter very quickly after he shot at Trump.  The question arises: did they have their sights on the shooter before he even pulled the trigger?  Were they waiting for him to pull the trigger?

“All these factors lead me to think the assassination attempt was orchestrated by the FBI, Secret Service, and/or other U.S. agencies.  Nothing else makes any sense.  But this conclusion is very frightening!”

He’s right. It’s so frightening people don’t even want to entertain the thought.

The Washington Post, a paper known for its ties to the intelligence agencies, has published a piece offering more excuses for the Secret Service.  The headline says, “Obstructed view may have delayed sniper response at Trump rally.” We are told that the paper conducted a 3D analysis that “found two countersniper teams likely had difficulty seeing the gunman before he fired.”

The Post is supposed to operate by the slogan, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”

Anybody who has been paying the least bit of attention knows this is bunk. It was the job of the Secret Service to monitor the area and prevent a shooter from getting in that position, only 130 yards away from President Trump.

This lame bit of “analysis” demonstrates that the “security failures” are beyond a scandal and have reached the level of cover-up.

Read this paragraph:

“A Washington Post analysis, based on more than 40 videos and photos, as well as satellite imagery and terrain analysis used to build a 3D model examining the rally site and shooter’s position, found that the two Secret Service countersniper teams may have initially been hindered in their ability to see the shooter as he crawled up the roof due to its slanted sides. Trees near the rally likely played a part in obscuring the shooter from at least one team assigned to detect and neutralize would-be snipers.”

The obvious flaw in this “analysis” is that Trump supporters saw the gunman get in place to shoot. Having a Secret Service agent on the roof would have caught him.

The so-called “reporters” behind thus rubbish deserve to be named. They are Samuel Oakford, Aaron Steckelberg, Evan Hill, Jarrett Ley, Jonathan Baran, Alex Horton, and Samuel Granados.

Seven different “reporters” were assigned to take the blame away from the Secret Service snipers.

The Post admits, “The Secret Service is responsible for the overall coordination of security measures during an event.” Then it goes on to report that “The agency’s director said it tasked local law enforcement with securing the building from which [would-be assassin] Crooks allegedly opened fire and that officers failed to prevent him from accessing the roof.”

That’s another excuse, another “security failure.” The feminist running the Secret Service also says they didn’t have an agent on the roof of the building because the roof wasn’t flat and was “sloped.” This is absurd.

This is worse than a scandal. The excuses demonstrate that something more sinister occurred here. Firing the DEI hire in charge of the Secret Service doesn’t get rid of the root of the problem – a Deep State that has an enforcement arm that carries out what the Russians call “wet work.”

Let’s face facts. Our federal government is a tyranny with corrupt agencies, some of them supposedly “protecting” Trump and now investigating themselves. What a joke, except it’s not funny.

We are told there was a briefing for some members of Congress today. We will be treated to “leaks” about what was said.

Trump’s life is still in mortal danger. Prior to the murder attempt, we had urged the Trump campaign to hire a private security firm because we didn’t trust Biden’s Secret Service to protect our former president. Sadly, we were proven to be correct.

I just gave an interview to Delmer Eldred of the Klickitat Voice radio station in Washington State on what we know about the planned assassination of former President Trump, looking at the nature of the “enforcement arm” of the Deep State behind other deaths and “suicides” going back to the Vincent Foster and other cases.  Click here to listen.

The orders were given by Biden himself, an old sick man when he called for Trump days before to be put in the bullseye. The people behind Biden who are “calling the shots” know that everything they have tried so far, from bankrupting to arresting him to raiding his home, haven’t worked.

On NBC, Biden defended himself, saying he didn’t use the word “crosshairs.” He doesn’t even remember what he said.

He once again raised the lie about Trump threatening a “bloodbath,” when the former president was talking about the Chinese importing cars into the U.S. from Mexico and devastating the auto industry. He was talking about an economic bloodbath.

Biden, Fred Gielow maintains, is the “Lyin King.” Watch his video highlighting Biden’s history of lies.

But the lies continue.

Now we learn that Rep. Adam Schiff is in the news demanding Biden exit the presidential race. We are led to believe it’s because of Biden’s age and senility. Schiff seems to understand that Biden, with his “bullseye” comments, is implicated in the assassination attempt.