LGBT Buckhannon Pride group attacks council-members who voted against Ordinance 434, calling them “homophobic.”

BUCKHANNON — On Thursday, Buckhannon Pride (which is the local LGBT activist group that pushed for Ordinance 434) blasted all council-members who voted against the proposed policy, accusing them of being “homophobic.”

“A roadblock but we see u homophobic councilmen and will remember you in our votes and where we spend our money,” Buckhannon Pride expressed on social media.

Mayor David McCauley has praised Buckhannon Pride, even attending their celebration at Jawbone Park on July 1, 2018.

“I believe the LGBTQ community might want to focus on becoming more involved, integrated into all of our local institutions,” McCauley stated in 2018. “Be more visible, be supportive, become bigger players in the good things comprising our community.”

Ordinance 434 was voted down 4-3, after council-members acknowledged that it would attempt to limit the free exercise of religion protected in the First Amendment, and would be used a mechanism to divide the community.

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